Friends, I feel that it is my solemn duty to share someone else's blog post with you. I'd like to state for the record that I endorse it 100% and could not have created a more comprehensive posting if I tried. Please. Read it. Heed it. Thank you.

Don't be dumb, Daddy

Dude forgot to warm up the girls' bedtime sippy cups of milk tonight and so had to stall when the appropriate time came. He decided to quell their whiney chants of "Milk! Milk!" with a rousing rendition of Old MacDonald. And that ol' farmer had a monkey... or at least Dude thought he did. Buggy immediately piped up, "NO! MONKEYS DON'T LIVE ON FARMS!" Dude asked where they live and she said, in her best impression of a 14-year-old who thinks her father is an idiot, "Houses." And the she suggested that he sing about flamingoes. Flamingoes live on farms. Duh.

Sniffledy sniff sniff hiccup sniff

I think I've mentioned it here (but I'm too lazy to go back and find proof) that my sister Bri is going off to the Peace Corps. She's heading to Kenya, leaving Portland this coming Sunday morning, for 27 months of a holy-crap-adventure-of-a-lifetime-and-probably-find-a-cure-for-AIDS-at-the-same-time-because-that's-how-she-do experience. I cannot accurately express how proud of her I am, but know that it is a hella heap. She has a gigantic heart, a really big brain, and more compassion than nearly anyone I know. And she's cute, too!

Bri's been staying with us for the last week and I've thoroughly enjoyed having her around. Most importantly, Belly and the Bug have been able to spend a lot of great quality time with her. They quite simply adore her. They ask about her as soon as they wake up both in the morning and after nap. If we go somewhere, they demand to know exactly where she is when we return home. They want to spend every waking minute with her. It's very sweet. We'll have to fire up the ol' Skype to be sure everyone sees everyone else while she's overseas.

Bri is not the only do-gooder in this family, though. Oh no! Far from it! My other little sister, the one I call Sissy, has accepted a position in Bozeman, MT via the AmeriCorps VISTA program and she's leaving us, too! WHAH! Sissy leaves in mid-July for a year and I will certainly write more about that then as I can only handle feeling down in the dumps about one sisterly desertion at a time and Bri gets dibs because of her timing.

But oh sigh, people. We moved to Portland largely to be closer to family and now they're all moving away. The only positives I can find for myself in Bri going to Kenya? I've inherited her hipster tall green boots, her cutie-cute sundress and her new custom-made Fuji bike! I mean, I'm "taking care" of these items until she returns. And all I know is this: Kenya better freaking take care of Bri or I will personally kick its ass. I'm not messing around here. This is my little sister. I take no prisoners.

Seeing this one through to completion

I have four draft posts that have not been completed since the last time I wrote on here. Ugh. All of them are outdated and so here I am starting number five. I will complete and post this tonight. I'm hell-bent.

First of all, I can't believe that it's freaking May 4th. Hello? Where is this year going? Spring has rocked around here - until the last week or so. We've had beautiful weather. The flowers have exploded around my house. I've spent time barefoot outside. Sundresses have made their way into my clothing repertoire. And then... we've had cooler than normal weather and knee socks are making a comeback on my lower extremities. I'd like to register a strong "WTF?!" with whomever is handling this ridiculousness. Stop it and give me back my warm, sunny days.

Second, my children are growing up. They're officially two and a half. They're in the middle of a big "out" growth spurt. They're using pronouns correctly. They're speaking in complete sentences. Just today I had a lengthy conversation with the Bug about President Obama. She informed me that he's a good man and she loves him. Belly then chimed in that he's awesome. What politically astute little peeps! But they're still not showing a strong interest in the potty. Several times a day, the toilet sees some pee action from them, but the buck stops at poop. WHY? I've been going along and not pressuring them while promising M&Ms to anyone who wants to do their number two business on the toilet, but my patience is growing thin. I'm so tired of diapers. Today, I changed five poopy diapers between the two of them, one of which was a blowout (you non-kid-having readers should know that this is not a reference to getting your hair did but rather to a diaper that leaks). The reason for this is that my mother-in-law was here cooking for the girls and Dude this past weekend. Friday night they went out for Chinese; Saturday night she made Meat Dish Supreme; Sunday night was Country Captain Chicken. As entertaining as it might be to go into the details of these dishes, I'm not going to. Let's just say that they have wreaked some gastro-intestinal havoc upon my babies.

And why was Mimi here? Because I was not! That's right - I had a vacation all by myself! Friday morning, I flew to Denver to visit one of my best girlfriends in the whole wide world and didn't come home until Sunday night. Lord knows I needed a vacation, but I thought that I would be a little more lonesome for my family while I was gone. I called home twice a day and the girls would say, "Mommy, come home!" That certainly gave me some pangs of homesickness, but they generally subsided after I hung up and picked up my wine glass again. Oh I had so much fun. I drank plenty, I was goofy, I made French food (actually took a French cooking lesson in which we prepared Boeuf Bourguignon and mousse au chocolat), I laid out in the yard, I slept uninterrupted, I didn't structure my day around nap time, I didn't change any diapers. I was free! I was Rachael! Let me be clear that I overflowed with love for my girls when I came home and snuggled them to sleep, but I would've happily stayed away a few more days. The break was very, very much needed. And I fully intend to do it again when I can.

I think that about brings us up to speed on the bigger things going on here at Chez Belly-Buggy. Except can I say that even with only five people remaining on American Idol, I'm already getting giddy with anticipation for the next season of So You Think You Can Dance? Because I really do think I can dance, just not like that.