Friends, I feel that it is my solemn duty to share someone else's blog post with you. I'd like to state for the record that I endorse it 100% and could not have created a more comprehensive posting if I tried. Please. Read it. Heed it. Thank you.
Sunday, May 23, 2010 | Labels: random | 1 Comments
Don't be dumb, Daddy
Dude forgot to warm up the girls' bedtime sippy cups of milk tonight and so had to stall when the appropriate time came. He decided to quell their whiney chants of "Milk! Milk!" with a rousing rendition of Old MacDonald. And that ol' farmer had a monkey... or at least Dude thought he did. Buggy immediately piped up, "NO! MONKEYS DON'T LIVE ON FARMS!" Dude asked where they live and she said, in her best impression of a 14-year-old who thinks her father is an idiot, "Houses." And the she suggested that he sing about flamingoes. Flamingoes live on farms. Duh.
Friday, May 21, 2010 | Labels: Dude, The Bug | 0 Comments
Sniffledy sniff sniff hiccup sniff
I think I've mentioned it here (but I'm too lazy to go back and find proof) that my sister Bri is going off to the Peace Corps. She's heading to Kenya, leaving Portland this coming Sunday morning, for 27 months of a holy-crap-adventure-of-a-lifetime-and-probably-find-a-cure-for-AIDS-at-the-same-time-because-that's-how-she-do experience. I cannot accurately express how proud of her I am, but know that it is a hella heap. She has a gigantic heart, a really big brain, and more compassion than nearly anyone I know. And she's cute, too!
Monday, May 17, 2010 | Labels: Belly, Bri, Sissy, The Bug | 0 Comments
Seeing this one through to completion
I have four draft posts that have not been completed since the last time I wrote on here. Ugh. All of them are outdated and so here I am starting number five. I will complete and post this tonight. I'm hell-bent.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 | Labels: Belly, big girl, Dude, food and wine, friends, The Bug | 1 Comments