In other news

Belly is driving me totally bat-shit lately. Seriously. She's cutting a molar and is just so whiney and needy. She literally wants to be held on a constant basis and will throw the mother of all hissies if I don't do it. She screams. She throws books. She hits and bites. She gets so upset that she SHAKES in rage. All of this if I put her down to get a tissue or go pee or, you know, pay attention to my other daughter. It's totally, totally out of control. AND - it's directed only at me. If I'm not around, she doesn't pull that crap for Dude. And when I went on my marathon house-viewing excursion with the realtor, she didn't do it for my sister who babysat them (thanks again, Bri!). I have tried everything I can possibly think of to make this behavior stop and nothing seems to work. I have gone the "give something" route and given teething tabs, juice, cookies, special toys, etc. I have tried the "I'm not going to accept this behavior" road. I have even tried the path of least resistance and held her for hours at a time (she's nearly 25 pounds, by the way). It doesn't seem to matter. She still screams until I pick her up and starts again the second I put her down. In restaurants, she MUST sit next to me. In the car, she reaches for me. It's nice to be loved, but this feels kinda like having someone OBSESSED with me. It's tiring. 

And it is SO unfair to The Bug. I've been making sure that she and I have special, special time at some point every day, but still. Yesterday morning, as I was changing Belly's diaper, The Bug ran over to me, grabbed my ears, and gave me three big kisses on the mouth then ran back to her toys on the other side of the couch. It was like a drive-by smooching. My heart melted. I went over to give her a hug and Belly started wailing like nobody's business. I ignored it as I cuddled The Bug and told her that I thought she was supersonic loving, but within 10 seconds, Belly was actively separating me and The Bug and snotting all over us amid her blood-curdling screams. She tried to bite The Bug, who grabbed a book and walked over to her beanbag chair to read alone. It was sad!

The next logical step in my mind is to try the "Mama drinks wine to dull the din" avenue, but I can't seem to find any support for that when I look online. I know I have like three readers, so if you have any suggestions, I'm definitely open to them. Otherwise, please pass the pinot.