My heart can't take it

Tonight was the most scared I've felt since the girls came home from the NICU when they were teeny little babies. Their high chairs are those portable ones that we keep strapped on to high-backed bar stools and they are at the age where they are ALWAYS messing with each other. Tonight, as Dude was getting a wet washcloth to clean the girls up after dinner, Belly reached over to The Bug's chair and tried to drag it closer. What happened, though, is that she pulled herself over. SMACK! The chair tipped and her poor little head pretty much bounced on the wood floor. I think I hurdled the kitchen counter to get to her. She was soooooo afraid, screaming and sweating. I frantically checked her mouth for blood, her arm and hand to make sure everything bent the way it should, her ear and head, everything a second time. It took her a good five minutes to calm down (I'm still not recovered, even though it was a few hours ago). We called the doctor to see how worried we should be about head trauma and were told to monitor her for 24 hours, but it sounded like she was reacting "normally." What an effing freak out. She's got a little goose egg on the side of her head, but that seems to be the extent of her injury.

Maybe it's the whole Natasha Richardson tragedy that makes me feel so on pins-and-needles about this, but I truly panicked inside. I live to protect these girls and here the stupidest little thing could've been incredibly serious. It still makes me feel like I might vomit.