I feel pretty, oh so pretty

Hi. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been going through some stuff - nothing major; just having some brain preoccupation. I think I'm snapping out of it, though. Life was often simpler before technology intervened. People from the past stayed in the past, as did old emotions that accompanied them. Sigh.

Let's lighten the mood, shall we? I posted this picture on Facebook today because I thought it was hilarious, but I've since become fairly self-conscious about it:

Caption: "Giant bed-head; it's like the before shot for a shampoo commercial. I'm waiting for the big purple kangaroo to show up."

It's generated a whole slew of comments, including threats to make a FB group dedicated to it. I personally look at it and think, "I wonder if Frida Kahlo wants her eyebrow back..."