Get me to the pole

For about a year plus, there has been an onslaught of stickers in this house. I absolutely forbid them being stuck on walls or windows or furniture, but they are always on the floor which means they are always stuck to my feet, my socks, my shoes. And because I am always picking them up and sticking them in pocket to throw them away, they are always getting forgotten, washed, and stuck to my clothes. They drive me insane. Truly.

But we've reached a new height with sticker madness around here, in the form of gemstone stickers. I first bought them for the girls to wear like earrings. Which they loved. And then we used them to decorate wooden boxes for their friends for Valentine's Day. Which they loved. Most recently, I bought some white paper crowns for them to decorate with crayons, markers, and - yep, you guessed it - gemstone stickers. Which they loved. Every time I go to the craft store, I purchase more because they love them so much. But me? I've slowly started to feel that their charm is disappearing. They can actually kind of hurt when you step on them. And when they stick, they stick REALLY well. Sometimes it's hard to get them off my shoes. But mostly I've resigned myself to them because of the blatant girl love that is radiated in their direction. Until this morning.

All morning I'd been having a wardrobe malfunction of sorts. I thought my skirt had suddenly grown an itchy tag. Nope. Not the tag. So then I thought it was the inside of the pocket. But no. Not the pocket. I took my skirt off and stood in my kitchen trying to figure out what the hell was driving me so insane, but only when I moved certain ways. I couldn't, so I put it back on. It was still itchy. And then it dawned on me. It wasn't the skirt. It was my underwear. And yes, there it was. A freaking gemstone sticker embedded into the lace of my underwear, likely the result of being washed in. That little fucker caused me about two and a half hours of irritation this morning. I'm about to embark on a mission to throw away every one of those goddamn stickers that I can find. We are THROUGH.

It's kinda funny, though, when I think about me walking around like a rhinestone stripper underneath my mom-exterior, ready to rip off my clothes at a moment's notice to reveal my gemstone-studded panties. Or not. Maybe I need more coffee.....

The culprit. And yes, those are two sticker packs on the floor in the background.


joujouvoodoo said...

Colorforms! You need Colorforms for the girls!

rachael said...

those packs on the floor ARE colorforms - magic faery and unicorn colorforms. they help in that they don't get stuck to me and my stuff, but they still end up balled up in every little nook and cranny of the house. and i feel bad if i throw them away. i like your creative thinking, though!

alex4change said...

You kiss your husband with that mouth?!

rachael said...

don't be a jackass. thanks.

Bridget McCarthy said...

Now I know what to get you for Christmas...