Day 3

They still chose the screaming option. I wanted to shoot myself. What happens if we get to, say, the end of next week and they're still screaming for 30+ minutes when they wake up from nap and are forced to stay in their room until the music stops? I need to explore my options. I want to have a back-up plan. Suggestions?


joujouvoodoo said...

I know you're not fond of splitting them up, but, is there a way that they may nap independent of one another? So that if one wakes up and starts getting upset it won't automatically wake the other.

Mary K said...

Additional info, please...
--When is naptime, and how long is the CD?
--Do they seem tired earlier than their naptime (my question really is, do you think it would go better if you put them down a little earlier or later?)
--Is there something different about bedtime routine that makes it different/easier?

I, like joujouvoodoo, wonder about separate rooms for napping. I don't have twins, so I don't know... but I know that my two kids would probably disturb each other's sleep if they were in the same room. And this would make me cry. (or drink.)

Without the answers to the questions above, I'd say that you should stick to your guns and it will eventually iron itself out. Listening to the crying is no fun--but they're not going to do it forever, I don't think!

Bridget McCarthy said...

Ok.... I'm getting worried -- we haven't heard from you in a week. Are the children ok?