My funny Bug

I try to keep things even with the girls. Lord knows life ain't always fair, but I shoot for even. This post, however, is dedicated to my Bug. She has been dropping a lot of little cute/funnyisms lately and I thought I would share...

She saw an airplane the other day and tried to grab it out of the sky. She knew she couldn't reach it, but she wanted to try anyway.

She put her toy teapot on the kitchen table, shoved her hands in her pockets, and watched it with a sour look on her face. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Oh mommy. Coffee cooking. Need more coffee."

Dude and I were talking at dinner and she heard me say motorcycle. "Buggy motorcycle! Mommy! Want motorcycle! Buggy want motorcycle! My motorcycle! My motorcycle!" She followed this with a whiney tirade about needing a motorcycle. As soon as she got over it, she said that she wanted to go to the beach. She wanted to walk on the beach. "My ocean! My ocean! My ocean! My ocean!" Yes, she launched into full whine with that, too, but it was funny to see her want something so unownable so desperately.

(Man, I'm making up words left and right in this post.)

"Buggy excited [to] see Aunt Erika! Panda, polar bear excited, too!"

Overheard on the baby monitor...
Belly: "Mommy! Nap over!"
Buggy: "Bummer, Belly. Shh. Read Pajama Time. You a sweetheart monster."

"I love you, Mommy... Very much... Like cheese pups (puffs)."

EVERY time I change a poopy diaper on Belly: "Ooooh! Big mess! Messy diap! Pew, Belly!" (Is that how you spell pew in this instance? It doesn't seem right, but my brain can't think of an alternative...)

I'm sure there are more, but those are the top-of-mind ditties. She's a handful but she sho is cute.


Erika said...

I'm excited to see those girls, too! They are so SMART!