Free association

Actual conversation earlier today as I pushed the girls in their stroller...

Me: Girls, when someone asks how old you are, you say ONE. Can you say that?
Belly & Buggy in unison: ONE.
Me: Great! Let's try it. Buggy - how old are you?
Buggy: Wocket! (meaning, Rocket - she has a special love for fireworks, which she calls "rockets")
Me: Um, no. The correct answer is ONE. Belly - how old are you?
Belly: Woof! Woof!
Me: Actually, you're ONE. When someone asks how old you are, you're supposed to say ONE.
Together: ONE.
Me: That's right! Bug - how old are you?
Buggy: Wocket!
Me: Belly - how old are you?
Belly: Six.

At least it was a number. There was also a conversation wherein I tried to get the Bug to say her real name - which has three syllables and she won't EVER same them all together (she says "Eleanor" and "Emily," though, when referring to her friend and aunt respectively). I usually put the first two syllables together and she repeats, then we add the third. Today I mixed it up, though, and I said just the first syllable - which she repeated. Then I said the second and third syllables together. Instead of repeating, though, she started giggling. I said them again. She looked at Belly and laughed harder. I said them a third time and both she and Belly were totally busting up. I demanded to know what was so funny. The Bug reached over and pinched my breast and said, "Nipple." And that's when I realized that they thought I was saying "nipple" (instead of what I was saying) and that it was part of her name. I laughed and laughed that they thought it was so funny! When did my little girls turn into 12-year-old boys??


Erika said...

That's freaking HILARIOUS!

brianne said...

So funny! They're so dang cute!