A noteworthy day

Today marked the beginning of a new phase here in Chez Belly-Buggy - a phase that contains a brand new friend whom I will simply call Nanni (she's 18 and her name actually ends in "i" so I can't very well call her "Nanny"). Nanni came recommended from the nanny across the street. We exchanged emails. She seemed nice. I called her references. To say they were glowing would be a gross understatement. I've never heard such stellar references for a real-life person for any position ever. EVER! Multiple people basically told me that I'd be a damn fool if I didn't hire her. So she came to visit. The girls loved her. I loved her. The Bug cried when she left. She was so effing hired. 

Now before you start thinking that I'm one of THOSE moms - you know, the ones that have a nanny but don't have a job? - I'm only hiring her for one half-day each week. Unless I'm doing more consulting work (I'm wrapping up a little project now), in which case I will have her either two half-days or one full day each week. I just need some time to get stuff done without having to stop every two minutes to parent.

Anyway. Today was Nanni's first official day with us and it went ridiculously well. I thought I'd ease her into things and planned to be upstairs the whole time (I still had some unpacking to do in my room) so I would be easily accessible if/when Belly or The Bug panicked because they missed me so much. The girls woke up from their nap to discover that Nanni was here and she helped me get them in their seats for lunch. Then I went upstairs and it was all her. There was not a whimper from those girls for the entire 4 hours Nanni was here. I heard massive giggles. I heard the girls talking and then Nanni's voice and then the girls talking again. I heard papers rustling as they colored. I heard running as she clearly chased them around. I actually - *gulp* - felt lonely for everybody and wanted to come down and play with Nanni, too! But I didn't. Instead I was very grown-up about the whole thing and pouted just a little as I unpacked. It is awfully exciting, though. I'm already trying to decide what to do with my four hours next week!

I should also give a special nod to Dude today for putting up with my sorry patootie for sixteen years. Yup. I said it - SIXTEEN YEARS. It was all the way back on August 11, 1993 that Dude and I went on our first date. We went for a walk in Lake Park to watch the meteor showers but it was too cloudy (just like here tonight - they were supposed to be great, too!) so we just walked and talked and sat and talked, etc. The fact that he didn't try to kiss me or hold my hand or ANYTHING had me convinced that he wasn't interested. Man, was I bummed! And thankfully - wrong. Happy Dating Anniversary, Dude! I love you like mad.