Kickin' ass and taking names

Yup. Belly is at it again. This morning was her Early Intervention evaluation and she totally, freakin' rocked it. The evaluation consisted of a teacher and an occupational therapist (both women in their 50s who immediately garnered the trust and interest of my girls) asking Dude and me questions about Belly and having Belly perform a bunch of different tasks - coloring, talking, knowing the difference between "mine" and "yours"/"in" and "on"/etc., sorting shapes, throwing a ball. You get the picture. She was so awesome. She pretty much got everything right on the first try. The teacher was asking me questions above her appropriate age/skill level so that she could establish the ceiling of where Belly's skills are and she even had mastered some of those skills. For example, the teacher asked if she could say how old she is. I answered no - that's something we're working on, but the girls always say "two." I then asked Belly, "How old are you?" And she said - clearly and decisively - "ONE." Needless to say - and yes, I'm totally bragging here - everyone in the room was impressed. 

The evaluators said they would send a formal report, but Belly does not qualify for Early Intervention services because no need could be established. They showed us her scores in the five areas of evaluation and she was either in the middle or at the high end of average for her age range. And that's non-adjusted, thankyouverymuch.

What. A. Relief.